Posted in September 2013

Watery Eyes Treatment: Blocked Tear Duct Surgery

Watery Eyes Treatment: Blocked Tear Duct Surgery

Lacrimal Duct Obstruction / Blocked Lacrimal Duct / Lacrimal Duct Stenosis causes Watering (runny / tearing) Eyes. Blocked Tear Ducts (NasoLacrimal Duct Obstruction) can occur in adults, children, babies, infants and newborns and result in watery / tearing / runny eyes (Blocked tear duct symptoms). Watering eyes interfere with vision. In addition, due to the nasolacrimal duct obstruction, eyes can get repeatedly infected, causing dacryocystitis (lacrimal sac infection) and endophthalmities (eye infection). Treatment consists of making an artificial opening on the medial side of the eye into the nose to bypass the blocked nasolacrimal duct and re-establish the normal flow of tears into the nose. This surgery is called Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR Surgery) and can be performed through a skin incision (External DCR), through an endoscope inserted through the nose (Endonasal endoscopic DCR) or via laser (LASER assisted DCR). Surgery is very successful and can easily treat this problem, which if not treated as soon as possible, may cause complete blindness due to severe eye infections. Dr. Debraj Shome, one of the top / best oculoplastic surgeons in the world, blogs on the symptoms and treatment of this common problem. Continue reading

Juvederm, Restylane, Dermal Facial Filler Injections

Juvederm, Restylane, Dermal Facial Filler Injections

Restylane, Juvederm, Perlane, Sculptra, Radiesse, Esthelis, Aquamid and other Dermal Facial Fillers – What are they? How do they work? What is the cost? Are they safe? What are the side-effects? Should you undergo them? Facial fillers are temporary to long-lasting solutions administered through a few tiny facial injections on specific areas of the face. Various types of facial fillers are available; each is designed with one or several purposes, such as facial wrinkle and line reduction and lip augmentation. Dr. Debraj Shome blogs on the various types of dermal filler injections and their use in beauty and anti-aging treatment. Continue reading

Lip Augmentation via Lip Injections: Are Bigger Lips More Feminine?

Lip Augmentation via Lip Injections: Are Bigger Lips More Feminine?

Full lips with an accentuated border have often been associated with beauty and youth. In studies performed on the science of human attraction, psychologists have concluded that a woman’s facial and sexual attractiveness are closely linked to the makeup of her hormones during puberty and development. It has been shown that the more oestrogen a woman has, the larger her eyes and the fuller her lips, characteristics which are supposedly perceived as more feminine. Surveys performed by sexual psychologists have also found that universally, men find a woman’s full lips to be more sexually attractive than lips that are less so. It is very easily possible nowadays to give a lady more attractive, curvaceous, fuller, lips, using cosmetic filler lip injections with Fillers like Restylane and Juvederm. Restylane / Juvederm are very safe, affordable, predictable and injections with Restylane / Juvederm Fillers can be performed in the doctor’s office itself. Dr. Debraj Shome explores the advent of lip filler injections and explores the data on whether fuller lips are indeed more feminine. Continue reading

Liposuction or Face Exercises to Make a Round / Square Face Shape Oval?!

With respect to beauty, the face shape plays a part. Though every person’s face is unique, it’s generally accepted that there are seven basic face shapes. The ideal face shape is oval. What if you do not have an oval face and have a square or a round, broad looking face? The most important step is to evaluate the reason for the square or round face shape. Is it the fat below the facial skin? Is it the muscle mass of the mass (i.e. masseter hypertrophy)? Or, is it the bone structure itself of the face? A careful examination by your plastic surgeon can help find the cause and treat the same. The face shape can then be altered by VASER liposuction if fat is responsible or if masseter hypertrophy (face muscle enlargement) is responsible, Botulinum toxin injections (BOTOX treatment) can be used to treat masseter hypertrophy. Continue reading